Formatting and Styling your Mind Maps
Click the image above to see a mind map showcasing the formatting and appearance options in Mindomo.
You can change the look and style of your mind maps to help you organize or even present your data.
Topic Appearance
For Topic Appearance, use the
1. Topic Menu and also the
2. Context Menus on topics.
Formatting Topic Text
You can format the topic text by using the Text Menu.
Use Bold, Italic and Underline to beautify your text.
1. To choose a font face use Font Family and select the font from the list.
2. To choose a font size use Size and select a number.
3. To choose a font color use Color.
4. To choose alignment use Alignment.
Changing Topic Appearance
1. Change the topic shape. Choose from a line, rectangle, rounded rectangle, oval, octagon, hexagon or a circle.
2. Change the topic background color
3. Change the topic line color
4. Change the line weight
5. Change the line type
Changing Boundaries
1. Select a shape for the boundary.
2. Remove Boundary.
3. Boundary Fill.
4. Boundary Border.
Changing Relationship Appearance
1. Insert - Insert a relationship.
2. Delete - Select the relationship and delete it.
3. Color - Choose a color for the selected connection.
4. Weight - Change the thickness of the connection.
5. Shape - Choose the shape for your connection.
6. Pattern - Choose one of the line styles for the connection.
7. Arrows - Select the direction.
Map styles
1. By using one of the 24 predefined mind map styles, or your own custom style, you can change the appearance of existing and new mind maps.
Select the styles in Themes.
Mind Map styles define the way each of the central, main, and sub topics appear by changing the background fill, shape, line style, and font (name,
size, bold, italic, underline, color, and alignment), along with map fill, size, and line color.
Creating your own map style
To create your own default style create a
2. new mind map as shown above, with one central topic, one main topic, one subtopic and a relationship.
Choose the look of your style by changing map fill, the font, shape, fill, and other properties of each of the three topics and relationship.
When you are done, click
3. Save My Theme.